High School Campus S

High School Campus S

author: anonymous
classification: Science fiction
update: 11分鐘前

Yes, if she keeps walking like that, there's no reason for her to disappear like a fox fairy right now. 。,We all have a feeling of being played. 。This child sensed our ill intentions early on, yet remained silent. And with his slow, measured steps, he gave us the illusion that we would always continue like this. 。Then, in a fleeting moment, it vanished. Leaving all our previous efforts to naught. 。The ripple of loss affected everyone. 。I could almost see him standing by the window at home, hiding behind the curtains and sneering at us: a bunch of fools, idiots, morons!,On our way back home, none of us had the energy to talk. 。Until they parted ways at the fork in the road, Wen Ge suddenly asked, “Will you be coming tomorrow”"Of course! I will be there!" Everyone seemed very confident and said, "We won't let you get rid of us again!"“Alright then, after school tomorrow afternoon, see you at the school gate!” I said in a low voice. 。My fragile self-esteem was hurt, and I secretly swore in my heart that I would make him recognize me. 。Under the glow of the setting sun, I made this decision, a decision that changed the course of my life. 。。

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